Hello and welcome to SINGLECOIL.COM, the musicians DIY electronics source for free. First and foremost we want to point out: WE DON`T WANT YOUR MONEY !!!!! Everything you will find here is free of any charges - no donations, no hidden fees, no paysites or any other twaddle common these days.
The only way to spend some money here is in our little webshop, where you can order some things that are described here in the projects. They are ready to drop in and tested for quality and tone. So if you are not sure how to build certain things or simply have no time, have a look here. We take orders from any country and we are accepting PayPal, so there are no limitations. Shipping charges and prices are as low as possible, so .....
What is SINGLECOIL.COM ? Itīs not only a webpage about DIY stuff for musicans - itīs a project, meant to be growing with time, getting better and better. And itīs a kind of open source project or in musical terms, an open stage project. You decide whatīs coming next, what are your interests, what do you want to read here in the future ? Please take some time and send us an email with your wishes, comments, suggestions, criticism, hints, questions, thunderous applause ..... or maybe you want to be a co-author here - you are welcome ! Do you have some interesting stuff you would like to share with others ? Send it over to us and we will check and publish it here, naturally with all the credits to you.
All the material you can find here can be devided into two different categories. The first one is all the material coming directly from us. Itīs based on our work and experiences and we are sure you will enjoy it. Sometimes there are other people involved into that work, in any case you will find the credits to this fantastic people inside the article - for more "thanks and greetings" please have a look inside the link section of this webpage. The second category is the material coming from third parties. In any case we will point out where the stuff is coming from to not corrupt any copyright terms. It can be a complete article, a PDF file, a link .... in general we prefer to name the link and additionally create a local copy for the case that a website is going down or the link will change. For several reasons all articles will open in an external window. Itīs easier for you to have a good overview (even with several open articles), it will save your money when using a dial-up connection (you can open as many articles as you like, disconnect and read them offline) and at least you can place a "real" link to any article you wish to if you are running an own webpage. To download and display the PDF documents you must have installed the "Adobe Reader" on your system, if you donīt have click here for a free download. Please notice that all of our own articles are copyright protected and itīs not allowed to use them in any kind without our written permission and without pointing out the original source.
Singlecoil NEWS
We are offering RSS Feeds, so if you always want to get the latest news from our webpage, please click the RSS Feed logo on the right and become a member of the singlecoil DIY news feed. Before we start, here is some legal stuff ... we are sorry for doing this but itīs a must ! Here you will find our imprint and legal disclaimer that may be interesting for you. And we donīt want to forget some words of warning here: all of our own articles and mods are things we have tried, someone we know has tried, or are recomended by people who work with this stuff for a living. Nevertheless, if you try any of these, you assume all responsibility for anything that happens, especially when working with tube-amps ! Whether the amp explodes, you get zapped, or the amp suddenly increases in value because everyone falls in love with it. The glory, the pain, whatever, they're all yours. If you can't live with that, don't mess with the stuff here ! And NEVER forget: Tube amplifiers contain potentially lethal, high voltages even after they are unplugged, that may cause personal injury or death. Do not attempt to repair, modify, or work on any amplifier unless you are absolutely certain you know what you are doing. To cut a long story short: no guarantees for anything ;-)
To close, we wish you lots of fun out here and greetings from good ole Germany. If you want to contact us, please send us an email to info@singlecoil.com and we will come back to you as soon as possible.